ADHD Awareness
45 Mins. Approx.
ADHD is a chronic condition that creates a range of persistent symptoms such as difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behaviour. The course covers the definitions of ADHD, the different types of ADHD and how to recognise some key signs and symptoms. It'll also talk about how ADHD is diagnosed and treated, and offer some useful information about how to live with ADHD.
Approved by CPD
£35 + VAT
Alcohol Personal Licence Holder
90 Mins. Approx.
This course is intended to provide you with the knowledge you need to complete the test to become a personal licence holder. It covers all the major topics relating to UK licensing law, responsibilities and penalties for breaching these. It also looks in detail at the issue of age verification including an interactive element to support learning in this area.
Approved by Laser awards & CPD